A conference for dealers and sellers of used cars from abroad was held in Lutsk for the first time

A conference for dealers and sellers of used cars from abroad was held in Lutsk for the first time

Imports of used cars to Ukraine have increased 45 times over the past 7 years. Every month, 75,000 cars with mileage are sold in our country, 31,000 cars are imported and cleared through customs, and 106,000 are registered.

This market is constantly growing and it is very unstable. How to solve the problems of your car business, grow and earn more in conditions of uncertainty and fierce competition? This was discussed at the conference "Import and sale of used cars: how to grow, not survive", organized by WEST AUTO HUB in conjunction with the Institute of Automotive Research (IDA).

The event took place on Friday, October 29, at the WAH headquarters in Lutsk in compliance with anti-epidemic requirements.

The five-hour conference gathered a lot of people and consisted of three thematic blocks:

Ukrainian car market today and tomorrow.

Car business: problems and solutions.

How to grow and earn more.

The event began with a speech by the head of the Research Institute of the car market Stanislav Buchatsky, who outlined the dynamics of the market for imports of cars with mileage.

Undoubtedly, the coronavirus pandemic has affected the import of used transport. What were the consequences of it, how did the business adapt to it and in general - how to respond to such crises in the future told the operational director of WEST AUTO HUB Victoria Shlyakhtych.

The first thematic block was completed by a special foreign guest of the conference - the operating director of the Czech service Carvago (turnkey car purchase online) Jan Kranat, who has been in the car business for 23 years. He told what the car market might look like in the future, called the world trends in this area, and most importantly - shared foreign experience that can be useful to dealers and sellers of used vehicles.

Oleksandr Onishchuk, Executive Director of the Research Institute of the Car Market, took over the baton, saying whether Ukraine is ready to ban the import of cars with internal combustion engines from 2027.

In turn, the executive director of WEST AUTO HUB Yulia Rykovska said that it hurts every car importer - about the customs value and whether it is possible to get it out of the shadows.

The next speakers were the journalist-analyst of AvtoRIA Ostap Novitsky ("Trends of the online car market"), the head of the Institute of car market research Stanislav Buchatsky ("BigData for the car business…").

The third final part of the event turned out to be the most practical, because they talked about how to grow and earn more: automate business, improve service, develop partnerships.

Project manager of the service for automation of import and sale of transport webex24 Albina Tyupa spoke about the functionality of this IT-product, benefits and life hacks.

And the director of the well-known in Ukraine leasing company MyAuto Alexei Rzhanov spoke about the strength of the partnership.

At the end of the conference, the speakers presented gifts to the participants for the most interesting questions, and the organizers of WAH and IDA assured that such events will be regular: no wonder Lutsk is among the leaders in the number of cars imported to Ukraine, so it's time to share experiences.

See photos from the event here .